My Pledge

As the seconds pass
Like days, like years
For being far away
From your sweet embrace
Know that I will wait
For that moment of truth
Of whether our stars
Will indeed align somehow.
Dreading for the fall
Yet yearning for the flight.
Still, whatever the outcome
I shall stand, still as I have
And honor my pledge
To hold your hand ever
When you brew up storms
Or as you weather.

Bits and Pieces

When you truly love someone
You remember the smallest things
From songs whistled in the shower
To the ramblings of an unfinished dream.

They are like specks of colors
Together, adding life to an empty page
That form a picture so vivid
And puts a smile on your face.

And when you know the limits
Just before your diverging roads
You find joy in such smallest things
As you walk forward alone.

And so

And so I loved
More than love
That it became such
An obsession, truly.

But live by life given
Of fate, the predestined
To be a stranger
To one so familiar.

To see you, adore you
Despite the many faces
A wink, a frown
Hits all the right places.

The struggle indeed
To talk to a shifter
Varying personalities
More than your local drifter.

Cheer on, move on.
Lessen expectations.
See what the future holds
A step to the unknown direction.


Trust me, it is true
That fate has no hold
On what the heart yearns
To come to be as is.

Adieu, farewell, goodbye
Memories in fossils unfound
Immortality within reach
In sunsets and sunrise.

What is set is set
Carved in stone, unchanged
The blowing winds may erase
The marks left by moment